Spider Control Sydney

Spider Pest Control Experts – Hills District and Western Sydney

For arachnophobes a professional spider control treatment is a must. But to be honest, as we have a number of spider species in Sydney that can give a nasty bite, a spider treatment is a great way for to protect your family and pets.

Of course, many spiders also build unsightly webs, so a spider treatment also keeps your home looking good!

A professional spider treatment from Serial Pest Control will eliminate your spider problem, provide long lasting protection and keep you home web-free for many months.

Fear no more! Call Serial Pest Control to protect your family from spiders

Our professional spider treatments

Web-building spiders are one of the pests covered in our general pest spray, which is very similar to our spider treatment. However, if you have a major spider infestation or a specific problem with running spiders such as white-tail or huntsman spiders, a specialist spider spray may be required.

As spiders generally live outside – as that’s where they can catch their insect prey – our spider control treatment is focused on the outdoor areas, to stop spiders building their webs and prevent them coming inside.

The areas we spray includes:

  • The exterior perimeter of the building
  • Around doors and window
  • Under eaves and behind drainpipes
  • In web holes and other cracks and crevices
  • Under the BBQ, garden furniture and children play equipment
  • Around garbage bins
  • On plants immediate adjacent to the house
  • Along fence lines
  • In garages and shed

We will also treat sub-floors, roof voids and the corners of rooms inside if required.

Redback spider

Black house spider & web

White tail spider

What to expect from our spider treatments?

Any spiders which get a direct hit from the spray with generally die within the hour. However, many spiders will be hiding in cracks and crevices, and they will only pick up the insecticide when then venture out at night. So, it’s quite common to see spiders dying in the 24-48 hours after a treatment.

We don’t remove the spider webs, as we spray them to make sure we get any hiding spiders that venture onto the web later. 2-3 days after treatment you can remove the spider webs and we recommend that you brush them down. Do not spray them with the hose to wash them down as this will also wash the insecticide off the surface of the building and reduce the duration of protection.

It’s also important to understand the difference between web-building spiders and hunting (or running) spiders.

Web-building spiders

Web building spiders as their name suggests, build webs. There are 4 common web building spiders in Sydney

  • Black house spider (builds dense funnel shaped webs around window, doors and eaves)
  • Redback spider (builds messy, fishing net-like webs in dry spots, which often contain leaves and rubbish)
  • Orb spiders (garden spider, large webs
  • St. Andrew’s Cross spider (garden spider, large webs)

These spiders are quite easy to kill as their webs are easy to spot and a residual treatment on the surface of the building keeps the home web-free for many months.

Hunting spiders

Hunting spiders also call running spiders as they generally don’t build webs, but ambush or run after their prey. There are two key hunting spiders in Sydney

  • Huntsman spiders
  • White-tailed spiders

Funnel web-spiders are grouped with hunting spiders for the purpose of pest control, as although they do build webs in their underground tunnels, funnel webs that come into the home are generally male spiders that have left their burrows to look for a mate.

Hunting spiders tend to be harder to kill, as they don’t always pick up much insecticide when they walk over a surface, or if they do, it may take a couple of hours to kill them, during which time they may make their way indoors.

However, Serial Pest Control apply wide treatment bands to reduce the chances of this happening. In addition, the general spray treatment will not only kill spiders but also the insects they prey on. As such, after a treatment your home is far less attractive for hunting spiders as there is no food about.

By the way, the idea the white-tail spider cause flesh to decay is an urban myth. Research as show there is nothing in the white-tail spider bite that can do this and there is no evidence of necrosis in the 138 confirmed spider bites in the scientific trial.

What our customer say…

What are the signs of a spider problem?

If you have a spider problem, you will see lots or spiders and their webs. Of course, for some people even one spider in the house, is one too many!

Remembering that insects are spiders favourite food, if there are lots of insects, a spider problem may just around the corner. Generally, a wet mild winter and spring will mean lots of insects and a big spider season.

How to prevent a spider infestation

To make your home less attractive to spiders, you need to reduce hiding places and food (other insects).

To reduce hiding places and places for them to build webs, keeping the vegetation around the perimeter of the building and adjacent to paths trimmed back. In fact, not having plants and mulch around the edge of the building is best practice to minimise a whole range of pest problems – use pebbles and plants in pots

To prevent spiders entering the home make sure insect screens are well-fitted and weather strips under in place under all the doors and are in good order.

Spider bite first-aid

The standard first-aid for a spider bite:

  • Keep the victim is calm (sit them down)
  • Clean the bite area with water and disinfectant
  • Apply ice if the bite area becomes painful
  • Seek medical attention if you are concerned, or if you know it’s a redback or funnel web bite

Don’t try and catch any spider. If you can see it take a photo with your phone.

The first aid requirements for a funnel-web are different from other spiders ­– you should apply the same first aid as you would for a snake bite:

  • Calm the victim and keep them still
  • Immobilise the affected limb
  • Apply a pressure bandage to the limb with the bite
  • Call for medical assistance immediately

Apply the same first aid if you think it is a funnel-web spider – mouse spiders and sometime trapdoor spiders can look similar to the untrained eye.

Other services from Serial Pest Control.

Fear no more! Call Serial Pest Control to protect your family from spiders